Luke 1:17 and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”

Global Evangelism

Global Evangelism

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

From the beginning of Jesus' ministry His purpose was global evangelism.  He came to seek and save that which is lost, Luke 19:10.
All the ministries of Elijah's Cry are divinely interconnected and orchestrated for one main purpose. You can't do one with out the other. Whether feeding hungry children, making disciples or being a part of the global fellowship they all have the main purpose and focus of evangelization of the lost. Yes, the world's population needs food, water, shelter, education and hospitals. But what does it profit a man to gain the while world and lose his soul? Mark 8:36 It's hard to separate mercy ministry from evangelism because mercy ministry is evangelism and evangelism is mercy ministry. They really are all inclusive. Jesus never separated them. He was ready to minister to whatever need was present at the time.
So all this said, the main focus of Elijah's Cry is the salvation of the lost and meeting all their needs whenever possible.
As a part of fulfilling these calling we desire to hold outreaches, conferences and crusades any place in the world we are invited or called to do so.

Firestorm Invasion

"Prepare for a Firestorm of the Presence of the Lord to Invade Your Church, City and Nation"

Pronunciation: -"storm
Function: noun
1 : a large usually stationary fire characterized by very high temperatures in which the central column of rising heated air induces strong inward winds which supply oxygen to the fire
2 a : a sudden or violent outburst <a firestorm of public protest> b : a raging controversy <a political firestorm>

In June of 2006 while in Uganda doing church leaders conferences and crusades God spoke to me about  having  FireStorm Invasions for churches, cities and nations.
I had been holding the conferences and crusades at the same time and the glory, the manifest presence of God was coming and overtaking the people and all the meeting with miracles and amazing signs and wonders. Even though there was such a great presence of God there in the conference meeting there still weren’t the numbers who should have been there compared to what God was attempting to do.  Results were not what they should be in the crusades. There was an ongoing satanic resistance in the crusades against souls being saved and signs and wonders because the ruling spirits of the area had not been bound through months of corporate spiritual warfare from the local churches. Yes, they were praying but really not in unity and specifically at no fault of their own. Actually I take responsibility for that out of my ignorance which is now in the past.
In my prayerful frustration of dissatisfaction in the results in comparison to the Presence of God coming and all He desired to do He gave me this idea.

The Purpose of a Firestorm Invasion
The purpose is invade the surrounding area of the church, region and or nation with individual, corporate and multi-church, spiritual warfare, preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of God with the demonstration of it’s power thought the manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit in signs and wonders invading the kingdom of darkness with the kingdom of light. The end result is God’s kingdom established, ruling and reigning thought the great growth of the Church thought he harvest of multitudes of souls.
It’s a spiritual Shock and Awe using a multitude of Churches a few or many and Christians with precision guided intercession, spiritual warfare and evangelism against the kingdom of darkness binding their powers bring forth the manifest Presence of God and settting the captives free.

Shock and Awe (technically known as rapid dominance) is a military doctrine based on the use of overwhelming power, dominant battlefield awareness, dominant maneuvers, and spectacular displays of force to paralyze an adversary's perception of the battlefield and destroy its will to fight. The doctrine was written by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade in 1996 and is a product of the National Defense University of the United States.

A Firestorm Invasion is a combination of training and equipping church leaders and Christians, spiritual warfare, fasting and Intercession and one-on-one and mass evangelism.

Firestorm Invasions can be held with adult, youth and children all together which is preferable to separating them and having separate events. 

The greatest hope of a Firestorm Invasion isn't just a habitation of God's presence for unity and for souls to be saved but a habitation of God's manifest presence to stay and radically change the region.  
A Firestorm Invasion consists of four Phases. These can be done separately over a year's time if the involvement is great  and regional or national. If it is local or citywide they could be done be combined over a period of 2-4 weeks.

Phase 1

This phase is when contact is made with a church and or churches in a city, region or nation desiring to have the manifest presence of God invade and change their church, city and nation and save the lost.
It is also at this time that the church and or churches begin to fast and pray, crying out to God for a move of His Spirit to invade the leadership and churches to draw them to the conference. As the leaders go so go the churches. Two of the main keys to revival are unity and prayer. God seems to do nothing accept we pray and in agreement with His Word and will but also in unity. A house divided can’t stand. We pray for two main reasons, first to release God’s plans and second to stop the devil’s.
Resources at this time will be passed out for those involved with all the information needed as well as prayer focuses.

Phase 2
Firestorm Conference

This is the main training and preparation time for the pastors and church leaders.
The purpose for this conference is for unity, impartation, revelation; training in the ministry of Jesus, spiritual warfare, intercession and evangelism. We will also hopefully be receiving the beginning of the coming of the manifest presence of God into our midst. Many times the Glory comes so powerful in these conferences that God is the only One who can and will do the ministry. 
At the end of the conference the leaders can take the vision, scriptural information and impartation back to their congregations and equip them for the work of the ministry.

Phase 3 

Fasting, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare and Local Evangelism
At this phase the congregations and Christians get involved fasting, prayer and targeted spiritual warfare over the area for the darkness to be bound, the Light to shine and the souls of lost humanity saved. During this time there will also be basic training in evangelism and actual evangelization of the people each individual and church are praying over.

Phase 4 

Firestorm Crusade
The last and final phase is crusade evangelism held at a large enough indoor or outdoor venue.

The crusade can last from 3- 5 days to bring in the harvest already sown for in all the preparations beforehand. The new disciples will be placed into the churches in the areas they are from. 

A Firestorm Invasion is a big undertaking and involves many humble leaders and people ready to serve for many hundreds of hours but for a great reward, the souls of men.
Elijah's Cry can come to your church or city and minister on any one of these phases, training and equip leaders and Christians and just preach in your church. 
Former Conference and Ministry pics can be seen on About page.


Two of the best ways to gain access into peoples lives to be able to minister the love of Jesus to them is to show it to them through giving away food and ministry to their children. 
 -Pastor Steve-

Local House to House Evangelism & Discipleship

Home Missions

Every Home with a Mission, Love you Neighbor as Your Self


Neighborhood Home Missions
This is a ministry based on:    
Mark 12:30-31 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”  
Zechariah 8:16-17   16 These are the things you shall do:
Speak each man the truth to his neighbor;
Give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace;
17 Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor;
And do not love a false oath.
For all these are things that I hate,’
Says the Lord.”
Ephesians 4:11-20 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

We will teach you how to receive God’s love and walk in God’s love towards Him and all the people around your life no matter how they treat you.

You can be trained in the life, words and ministry of Jesus. This can equip you to preach, teach, counsel, pray, lead, heal, deliverer, abundantly prosper and love all those around you. You then can use this to minister to your family, friends and neighbors all the while under the fivefold ministry oversight, help, mentoring and pastoral care of this ministry.

As a ministry we don’t believe in sticking people in the pew to only listen. We believe the Scriptures tell us through many verses that all Believers are to be discipled and make disciples to go into their world and minister to the needs of the people around them. We do this in homes, from house to house, schools and businesses like in the Book of Acts.
Food & Clothing
As God supplies the ministry we will offer food and clothing to those that are a part of the Neighborhood Home Missions and their families and even the local neighborhood when possible
 Bible Study Groups
The Word of God is the foundation on how a life should be lived for God by all Christians and mankind.                                                                 
Week after week we will give you all the Scriptural knowledge and wisdom we have gained in over 20 years of ministry and a personal walk with Jesus. You will learn through faith in the Word and Jesus how to overcome any situation in life, family, finances, your body and mind, how to continually live a life of victory and love God and your neighbor as yourself.                                  
Christian Life Coaching                                 
As a Christian Life Coach with Jesus at the center we can help you to discover all that God has for you and to live the life He has destined for you to live, which will bring you great joy and peace. We will help you to deal with the issues of your life you desire to be changed and work with you to set and accomplish the goals you set to bring about the transformation you desire. Through this process you will achieve an even greater faith, maturity and growth in Christ as well as see your dreams come true.
Discipleship, Mentoring & Training            
As a mentor and spiritual father Pastor Steve can help you along the way as you walk with Jesus. One of Pastor Steve’s God given strengths and focus is helping people find and live out daily a close deep intimate relationship with Jesus. This is based on a strong foundation of the Word of God and a continual leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. For over 20 years Pastor Steve has trained and equipped many for ministry and missions especially youth and young adults.
Healing & Deliverance Ministry
There are many people and who are dealing with sickness, disease, many types of mental problems, addictions & behavior problems.
We believe that the Bible teaches us that Jesus was and still is the Healer and Deliverer for whoever calls upon Him in faith. There are many infallible Bible passages that confirm this fact throughout the whole Bible. There are also the testimonies of hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world that can bear witness to these facts also.
You can be taught these truths and faith and be made whole from any problem by Jesus and in turn help others.
Pastoral Care & Prayer               
Pastor Steve has been pastoring, giving oversight and prayer for many people over the last 20 plus years. It is his commitment to you to minister to, pray for and counsel you at all times with the Good Shepherd’s heart, love and wisdom


Overseas Ministry to Children and Their Families 

 This is was the new children's outreach ministry of Elijah's Cry in the Philippines in 2012

Kidz 4 Jesus

Children’s Outreach

We minister to the children with Bible stories and teachings along with worship and games. Some type of candy or snack is provided at the end on the meeting. Weekly visitations happen with the parents to introduce ourselves to them, provide information about our ministry and prayer whenever needed. Food and clothing will also be given at times as the need arises or the Lord leads.

First visit to a barangay in Panglao

Second visit with rice for the parents.
20 Kilos/44lbs passed out 
Kids with flyers and tracts we passed out 
the day before our first ministry time.

Invite Steve to Minister
See "Invite Pastor Steve Page" on the upper right hand side of Page Listings